Novartis Malaysia Office Launch Event

Congratulations to our fellow member Novartis Malaysia on their new office! EUROCHAM Malaysia attended Novartis Malaysia’s office launch at their new office space today. EUROCHAM Malaysia CEO, Mr. Sven Schneider, and the team were in attendance to a great event and a good turn-up as well.

It was a great session to meet and network with a number of familiar and new faces, the office launch was graced by Her Excellency Andrea Reichlin, Swiss Ambassador to Malaysia as well as YB Dato’ Sri Mustapa Mohamed, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Economy) and Mr. Patrik Grande, Novartis Malaysia Country President. Also in attendance was Lim Bee Vian, Deputy CEO, Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA).

We look forward to future collaborations and engagements with our fellow member Novartis Malaysia!

Swiss Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (SMCC) Embassy of Switzerland in Malaysia

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