The Ministry of Human Resources, Department of Trade Union Affairs invited EUROCHAM Malaysia to attend a roundtable discussion on the proposed amendments of the Trade Union Act 1959 (Act 262). The meeting was chaired by Mr. Mohd Azmi Muhammud, Deputy Director-General and it was attended by Ms. Zuraini Bt Abu Kassim, Legal and Enforcement Division, Ms. Nazatulsima Binti Che Hassan, Director of the Department of Trade Union Affairs, Perak, Norakila Binti Mohd Idris, and Noor Izrinda Binti Hamzar, Assistant Directors of the Department of Trade Union Affairs, Mrs. Norazmani Mahasan and Mr. Mohamad Faizal Bin Ahmad Termizi, Senior Assistant Directors, at the Industrial Relations, Mr. Mohammad Iqbal Bin Hj Mahashim, Assistant Secretary at the International Division Multilateral, and Mr. Ahmad Badri Jaafar, Director at Industrial Relations Department, Mr. Sven Schneider, CEO of EUROCHAM, the EUROCHAM team members and Ms. Selvamalar Alagaratnam, Head of Skrine’s Employment Practice.
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