Biztalks Webinar #09/2021: Industry 4.0 – Smart Virtual Factory in Big Area Additive Manufacturing for Industrial and Construction Sectors

Join us tomorrow on June 16, 2021 – 3PM (+8 GMT) on our webinar with CNC Design on the topic of Industry 4.0 – Virtual Smart Factory in Big Area Additive Manufacturing for Industrial and Construction Sectors.

The webinar will focus on how additive could be an added value for the industries and construction sectors. CNC Design  is offering a specific solution in additive manufacturing to fulfil the requirements of the users. This webinar will be presented by Mr. Bruce Rowley of CNC Design.

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EU budget 2022: Speeding up Europe's recovery and progressing towards a green, digital and resilient future

The Commission has proposed an annual EU budget of €167.8 billion for 2022, to be complemented by an estimated €143.5 billion in grants under NextGenerationEU. Their combined firepower will mobilise significant investments to boost the economic recovery, safeguard sustainability, and create jobs. It will prioritise green and digital spending in order to make Europe more resilient and fit for the future.
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Biztalks Webinar #09/2021: Industry 4.0 – Smart Virtual Factory in Big Area Additive Manufacturing for Industrial and Construction Sectors

In two days, join us on June 16, 2021 at 3PM (+8 GMT) on our webinar with CNC Design on the topic of Industry 4.0 – Virtual Smart Factory in Big Area Additive Manufacturing for Industrial and Construction Sectors.

The webinar will focus on how additive could be an added value for the industries and construction sectors. CNC Design is offering a specific solution in additive manufacturing to fulfil the requirements of the users. This webinar will be presented by Mr. Bruce Rowley of CNC Design.
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The terms and conditions of the Program Imunisasi Industri COVID-19 Kerjasama Awam-Swasta (PIKAS) has been announced and are as follows: 

The Special Committee on COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Access Guarantee (JKJAV) co-chaired by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) and Ministry of Health (MOH) has agreed that the Program Imunisasi Industri COVID-19 Kerjasama Awam-Swasta (PIKAS) will be launched as Phase 4 of the National COVID-19 Immunisation Program (PICK) to accelerate immunisation of the Rakyat. This is to expedite the attainment of herd immunity among the community.

PIKAS is a public-private partnership immunisation program aimed at employees of which MITI has been tasked to coordinate the immunisation for employees in the manufacturing sector. Several other ministries will also be responsible for vaccination of employees in their respective sectors. Participation of companies and employees in PIKAS is voluntary.

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The Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) refers to the announcement by National Security Council (NSC), yesterday. In this regard, MITI wishes to inform that the letter of approval which was earlier obtained by companies via the COVID-19 Intelligent Management System (CIMS) for the Movement Control Order (MCO) 3.0 beginning 1 June 2021, will be valid throughout the extension period of the MCO 3.0, from Tuesday, 15 June to Monday, 28 June 2021.
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Engagement Session with Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) regarding Program Imunisasi Industri COVID-19 Kerjasama Awam-Swasta (PIKAS)

EUROCHAM was honoured to be part of the insightful engagement session hosted by Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) today regarding Program Imunisasi Industri COVID-19 Kerjasama Awam-Swasta (PIKAS). Together with key industry players from the manufacturing sector, including EUROCHAM’s CEO, Mr Sven Schneider.  

The engagement session was chaired by Dato’ Sri Norazman Ayob, Deputy Secretary General (Industrial Development), MITI to discuss on the implementation of the public-private partnership immunisation program.

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