Nationwide MCO Reinstated from May 12 - June 7, 2021

[Breaking] Nationwide Movement Control Order (MCO) reinstated from May 12 - June 7, 2021.
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KL Tower Lights Up on Europe Day

The iconic KL Tower was lit up in European Union (EU) colours on May 9, 2021 with the he colours of the EU flag that symbolise unity, solidarity and peace.
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In a press statement by Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI), the National Security Council (NSC) meeting has agreed to issue a list of locations and risky premises identified by the Hotspot Identification for Dynamic Engagement (HIDE) early warning system as hotspot locations for COVID-19 transmission. 
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Happy Europe Day!

We would like to wish our members and friends a Happy Europe Day!
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[UPDATED] MCO General SOP [May 6, 2021]

Here are the highlights of the General SOP (MCO):


Areas involved:



Main differences from General SOP posted on 5th May, 2021:

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Second Round of AstraZeneca Sign Up Details to be Released Next Week

Details for the second round of AstraZeneca (AZ) Covid-19 vaccine opt-in will be announced next week, said The Science, Technology and Innovation Minister.
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