Back to The Office: WFH in CMCO Areas to Be Lifted

It’s back to the office for the public sector and industries in areas under the conditional movement control order (CMCO) as WFH will be lifted from Thursday (April 1, 2021) onwards.
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MIDA's InvestMalaysia Portal Goes Live

The Malaysian Investment Development Authority’s (MIDA) online application submission portal, InvestMalaysia Portal, is now open to the public.
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Malaysia to Allow Private Hospitals to Acquire COVID-19 Vaccines

On March 29, 2021 - The Malaysian government will allow private healthcare providers to open negotiations to procure their own Covid-19 vaccine supplies.
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EVER GIVEN moved, Suez Canal cleared

After a six-day blockage resulting in losses valued at close to $6.7M a minute, the EVER GIVEN has finally been moved on March, 29, 2021 at 04:30 Egypt time.
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The EU Ambassador Addresses The On-going Misconceptions Regarding the EU Vaccine Export Mechanism

Recently The EU Ambassador H.E. Michalis Rokas addressed the on-going misconception regarding the EU vaccine export mechanism.
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European Commission Proposes Digital Green Certificate

The  European Commission is proposing to create a Digital Green Certificate to facilitate safe free movement inside the EU during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
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