Latest SOPs for Trade Distribution Sector under MCO (PKP), CMCO (PKPB) and RMCO (PKPP) as of 23rd Feb 2021

Here are the latest SOPs for Trade Distribution Sector under MCO (PKP), CMCO (PKPB) and RMCO (PKPP) as of 23rd Feb 2021: 
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Survey on Impact of MCO2.0 towards entrepeneurs

The Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives (MEDAC) is conducting a survey to obtain feedback on the current situation of entrepreneurs and businesses in Malaysia as a result of the Movement Control Order 2.0 (MCO2.0), which was enforced on 14 January 2021. 
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Malaysia Digital Economy Blueprint

Recently the Prime Minister of Malaysia released the “Digital Economy Blueprint” to accelerate digitalisation in the nation. The initiative hopes to transform the country into a digitally-driven nation by ensuring households are connected to the internet by year 2025.
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National Covid-19 Immunization Programme


If you missed out on the latest updates about the upcoming vaccination programme in Malaysia, here is the official National COVID-19 Immunisation Programme handbook (English version): 

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Updated SOP list for CMCO (PKPB) from 19 February - 4 March 2021

Here is the updated SOP list for CMCO (PKPB) from 19 February - 4 March 2021:
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Updated SOP list for areas involved in MCO (PKP) from 19 February - 4th March 2021

Here is the updated SOP list for areas involved in MCO (PKP) from 19 February - 4th March 2021:

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