Virtual discussion with Mr. Marco Winter, Executive Director of the Malaysian Dutch Business Council (MDBC)

We concluded a wonderful morning session with Mr. Marco Winter, Executive Director of the Malaysian Dutch Business Council (MDBC), discussing potential ways to strengthen collaborations and partnerships between EUROCHAM Malaysia and MDBC in the coming future. We are very pleased that MDBC welcomes potential joint projects in creating greater visibility not only to our chambers, but also to our ever-important members...
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SNEAK PEEK: Video shooting session for Industry Awareness Campaign

SNEAK PEEK: Time may have been challenging but we are very glad to have scheduled a wonderful video shooting session for our Industry Awareness Campaign with Ms. Crystal Saw Tei Lian, CEO of CRIF Omesti Sdn Bhd.

To promote a seamless cross border trade and finance in the ASEAN region, CRIF Omesti clearly understands the need to bring in European knowledge and expertise, inspiring digital transformation within the region. We are delighted to have CRIF Omesti taking part of this initiative and we appreciate the great insights shared...

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SOP for Retail Sector during CMCO

The National Security Council (NSC) of Malaysia recently released an updated set of SOPs for the retail sector during the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) period....
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EuroTalks Webinar with Embassy of Hungary, MIDA & MiGHT

In conjunction with the official MOU signing between EUROCHAM Malaysia and Hungary Chamber of Commerce, the EuroTalks webinar - "A Success Story of 5 Decades: Continues to Create Value with Impactful Hungary-Malaysia Partnerships" was jointly organised with the Hungary Chamber of Commerce after the signing ceremony earlier today...
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Virtual MoU Ceremony between EUROCHAM Malaysia and Embassy of Hungary in Kuala Lumpur

2020 marks over 50 years of diplomatic ties between Hungary and Malaysia! Hence, EUROCHAM Malaysia is very proud to commemorate and complement to this long-standing diplomatic relationship by materialising a new cross-border alliance with Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (HCCI) despite being 5,653 miles apart, through a simple yet meaningful Virtual MoU Signing Ceremony today before our EUROCHAM EuroTalks Series Webinar– A Success Story of 5 Decades: Continues to Create Value with Impactful Hungary-Malaysia Partnerships...
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Virtual discussion with discussion with Mr. Daniel Pans, President of Malaysia Belgium Luxembourg Business Council

We had a rewarding afternoon discussion with Mr. Daniel Pans, President of Malaysia Belgium Luxembourg Business Council

(MBLBC) last Thursday, sharing EUROCHAM Malaysia's upcoming plans as well as to explore more collaboration together for the benefit of the Belgium and Luxembourg business communities.

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