Irish Chamber of Commerce in Malaysia (ICCM) AGM

Congratulations to Irish Chamber of Commerce in Malaysia (ICCM) for the successful AGM and Breakfast Briefing today morning at Double Tree by Hilton, KL! Our CEO Sven Schneider was a keynote speaker during the briefing session. He shared our value propositions and future plans of EUROCHAM Malaysia, as well as highlighted the importance of the European business community to work together in achieving greater heights.

Thank you Oliver Roche and ICCM for this wonderful opportunity to further engage with the Irish business community in Malaysia!

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RAM-Business Confidence Index (BCI) Luncheon

EUROCHAM Malaysia attended an informative RAM-Business Confidence Index (BCI) Luncheon hosted by RAM Rating Services Berhad today at Sheraton PJ. Thank you for inviting us Mr. Yap Keng Teck, National VP of SME Association of Malaysia.
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Strategy Workshop with SME Association of Malaysia

Furthering our MOU with the SME Association of Malaysia, we had a strategy workshop together today morning to further align on our collaborative action plans. Both parties agreed to work together on driving two-way trade via business matching initiatives, joint webinar/events as well as technology exchanges.

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EUROCHAM Malaysia visiting the British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (BMCC)

Very delighted to visit our valuable partner and associate chamber British Malaysian Chamber of Commerce (BMCC) today morning. We had a productive exchange session with Ms. Jennifer Lopez, Executive Director of BMCC and her excellent team. We discussed and shared ideas to further strengthen mutual collaboration particularly on advocacy initiatives as well as joint events.

Thank you for the continued support and partnership!

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Online meeting with Executive Director of EuroCham Vietnam

We had a very fruitful Zoom session with Mr. Oliver Regner, Executive Director of EuroCham Vietnam. We discussed current issues faced by the chambers and exchanged insights on workable solutions that will benefit the EBO network, particularly within the ASEAN region.

Bolstering alliances for a prosperous EU-ASEAN partnership! Together, we hope to forge stronger relations for the betterment of the European chambers both regionally and globally.

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Online discussion with our EBO partner in Laos – European Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Laos PDR (ECCIL)

We are very pleased to have a productive online discussion this morning with our EBO partner in Laos – European Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Laos PDR (ECCIL). Our CEO, Mr. Sven Schneider exchanged constructive ideas with Ms. Ayaka Nyna Vu, Executive Director of ECCIL pertaining to the future of the chambers moving forward.

We wish ECCIL all the best and hope to continue our friendly exchange to enhance the business network of both parties.

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