Bernama: EUROCHAM M’sia signs MoU with Embassy of Ukraine to promote trade, investment

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 1 -- EUROCHAM Malaysia, one of the largest business chambers in Malaysia, has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Embassy of Ukraine in Malaysia to promote two-way trade and investment between both countries besides establishing mutually beneficial business opportunities for both parties through respective business platforms and networks...
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EUROCHAM Malaysia Signs MOU with ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Kuala Lumpur

We were very pleased to welcome ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA Malaysia at our office today morning for our MOU signing ceremony. We also had a productive strategy workshop to kick start our collaboration discussion with Mr. Reinhart Zimmermann, Commercial Counsellor of Advantage Austria Malaysia and his execellent team.
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Meeting with Swiss Malaysian Chamber of Commerce - SMCC

We had the pleasure of being introduced to Mr. Michael Hutab today evening, the new Chairman of the Swiss Malaysian Chamber of Commerce - SMCC...

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Launch of Dana Penjana Nasional - an initiative of the National Economic Recovery Plan, under the Ministry of Finance Malaysia

Congratulations on the launch of Dana Penjana Nasional - an initiative of the National Economic Recovery Plan, under the Ministry of Finance Malaysia...

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EUROCHAM Malaysia Signs MOU with the Embassy of Ukraine in Malaysia

We had a wonderful time in the Embassy of Ukraine in Malaysia for our MOU signing ceremony. Heartfelt gratitude to H.E. Olexander Nechytaylo and his excellent team for the fabulous hospitality! Special thanks to Mr. Francesco Floris, Head of Trade and Economic Relations - EU Delegation to Malaysia for celebrating this meaningful occasion with us today.
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EUROCHAM Construction Committee Meeting

Despite the challenging construction sector during the COVID-19 pandemic, our EUROCHAM Construction Committee proactively met up today evening to gather thoughts on ways to create awareness and influence Malaysian perception on the values of adopting European Green Technology as well as to discuss on on-going sustainability efforts...

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