EUROCHAM Construction Committee Meeting

Despite the challenging construction sector during the COVID-19 pandemic, our EUROCHAM Construction Committee proactively met up today evening to gather thoughts on ways to create awareness and influence Malaysian perception on the values of adopting European Green Technology as well as to discuss on on-going sustainability efforts...

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Meeting the new Head of Trade and Economic Relations - EU Delegation to Malaysia

We had the pleasure of meeting the new Head of Trade and Economic Relations - EU Delegation to Malaysia, Mr. Francesco Floris at our office! We had a productive discussion on upcoming initiatives and will definitely continue our collaborative efforts to establish stronger EU-Malaysia relations in trade and investments.
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Meeting with SME Bank

We are glad to learn that the financial institutions in Malaysia are very committed and supportive, which is truly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic.

EUROCHAM Malaysia is also fully committed in identifying and facilitating relevant funding opportunities for our wide network of European and Malaysian companies. We approached SME Bank (Bank Perusahaan Kecil & Sederhana Malaysia Berhad) today to discuss on potential collaboration moving forward, particularly in creating awareness on available funding within the country and ways to participate in these schemes.

We will look into having joint webinars soon to kick-start our collaboration!

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Meeting with Perbadanan Usahawan Nasional Berhad (PUNB)

We had a fruitful meeting with Ms. Hazina Mohamad, Head of International Business Development of PERBADANAN USAHAWAN NASIONAL BERHAD (PUNB) this afternoon! PUNB offers an impressive business model to support the Bumiputera entrepreneurships in Malaysia, particularly in international market expansion. We shared thoughts on potential future collaborations to be part of this initiative by introducing potential European partners and facilitating outreach programmes.
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Visiting H.E. Dr. Ivan Velimir Starčević, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Malaysia

It is our great honour to visit H.E. Dr. Ivan Velimir Starčević, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in Malaysia. We had an informative session with His Excellency understanding the current economic development of Croatia and the bilateral relations between Croatia-Malaysia.
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MyCC Report: Market Review on Service Sector Under the Competition Act 2020

Our CEO, Sven Schneider attended the launching of MyCC Report: Market Review on Service Sector Under the Competition Act 2020, officiated by YB Datuk Alexander Nanta Linggi, Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs at The Majestic Hotel, KL.

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