Meeting with Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO)

Malaysia and EU have established long-standing relationship in the field of Intellectual Property and we are glad to continue strengtening our strategic collaboration with Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO).

Thank you Y.Bhg. Dato' Mohd Roslan Mahayudin, Director General of MyIPO and his team for having us yesterday afternoon. Lots of collaborative opportunities to explore and we have brainstormed a few ideas/topics for our upcoming joint webinars. Stay tuned for more updates!

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Meeting with Executive Director of EU-ASEAN Business Council

We had a great catch up with another important partner in our European Business Organisation (EBO) network today morning. Glad to exchange experiences and insights with Mr. Chris Humphrey, Executive Director of EU-ASEAN Business Council (EABC) in enhancing each other’s business networks and exploring mutually beneficial business opportunities.

We look forward to continuing a fruitful cooperation with EABC, driving EU-ASEAN business interest and values together.

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Meeting with Green Technology Corporation

With circular economy and Green Deal being hot topics for the EU, EUROCHAM Malaysia is glad to kick start related discussion in Malaysia with Mr. Shamsul Bahar bin Mohd Nor, CEO of Malaysian Green Technology Corporation ( and his team today afternoon. We are fully committed to explore further collaborative measures with MGTC to drive the advancement of green technology between EU-Malaysia as well as to promote knowledge and technological exchange between both regions.
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Meeting with The Malaysia Competition Commission

The best part of competition is that it makes us discover our capabilities and possibilities for growth. At EUROCHAM Malaysia, we understand the importance of competition in promoting dynamic markets and economic growth. We are glad to meet with Mr. Iskandar Ismail, CEO of The Malaysia Competition Commission and his team today morning for a breakfast chat, talking about each other’s roles and directions moving forward. Thank you Mr. Iskandar for your great hospitality as well as giving us an impressive and informative presentation. We enjoyed the discussion a lot and look forward to further our collaboration.
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Ambassador of Ukraine in Malaysia visiting EUROCHAM Malaysia

It is our great honour to have H.E. Olexander Nechytaylo, Ambassador of Ukraine in Malaysia, and his team visiting us today. Ukraine has always been a priority partner for the EU and we are very delighted to extend the EU-Ukraine ties here in Malaysia by establishing a strategic partnership between the Embassy of Ukraine and EUROCHAM Malaysia.

Both parties are interested to further collaborate in areas of trade and investment, advocacy initiatives as well as marketing and communications.

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Meeting with EuroCham Indonesia

We are pleased to connect with our friends from EuroCham Indonesia today. We enjoyed the Zoom session with Mr. Edison Bako, Executive Director of EuroCham Indonesia and glad to know we share many similarities operating in both regions. Let’s co...
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