Connecting the Malaysian Economy with the Vast European Markets

Highlighting the strengths of the Malaysian business landscape, as the most cost-effective entry-point into the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) region, Roberto Benetello, the CEO of the European Union-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry, is proud of EUMCCI’s role as a strong business ally of entrepreneurs from both sides of the partnership.

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Malaysian Enterprises amongst the most advanced in Southeast Asia in Implementing Digital Transformation Strategies

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, April 12, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Senior Information and Operations Technology professionals from local enterprises and government agencies will gather at the 21st Edition of Asia IoT Business Platform, being held at the Hotel Istana Kuala Lumpur on 23rd & 24th April 2018. Endorsed by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, this year's event will focus on how Malaysian government agencies and enterprises address key challenges and pain points in the process of adopting and using IoT effectively, in order to tap on unexplored angles of potential business opportunities.
Malaysia launched its National IoT Strategic Roadmap in 2015, with the goal of contributing RM42.5 (US$13.4) billion to Gross National Income by 2025. Several schemes have been implemented to provide relevant assistance for local enterprises to adopt IoT implementation projects and the results have been encouraging. In a survey conducted by Asia IoT Business Platform in 2017, 86% of Malaysian enterprises were found to be currently exploring or implementing IoT solution while 52% of enterprises were in the fact-finding stage of learning about IoT solutions. 
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EU palm oil ban needs huge dialogue

The European business community believes the proposed palm oil import ban requires an enormous amount of dialogues among stakeholders to understand each other’s position better.
The European Union (EU) Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EUMCCI) CEO Roberto Benetello (picture) told The Malaysian Reserve (TMR) that both parties — exporter countries like Malaysia and the EU countries as importers — need to understand each other’s position in order to have a better debate in the future.
"It's important for Malaysia to understand the expectations from Europe in terms of sustainability, as much as the Europeans to understand what progress has been made here (in Malaysia) to improve the sustainability aspect and get the real picture of the current situation," Benetello told TMR on the sidelines of the Europa Awards for Sustainability 2018 soft launch in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.
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Malaysia, EUMCCI: sustainable palm oil the way forward

Over the years, palm oil has received a lot of flak. Ask the average person on the street, and chances are that he or she will pile the blame of environmental concerns such as the haze on this type of oil.
However, experts caution us not to dismiss palm oil entirely: they say that palm oil, when sustainably resourced,brings benefits to the environment, workers involved as well as animals.
This was the point of view of Chief Executive Officer of Malaysian Palm Oil Council Dr Kalyana Sundram who spoke at the EU-Malaysia International Discourse on Palm Oil Sustainability. The event was held by the EU-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EUMCCI) on 11th October in Kuala Lumpur.
“Palm oil has a bad image. Positive attitude about sustainable palm oil is still low,” he said, noting that some people have never even heard of sustainable palm oil.
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Malaysia addressing inaccurate claims in EU draft palm oil report

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia is addressing “inaccurate” points in the European Parliament’s draft report on palm oil usage and sustainability, and will submit its views to the European side tomorrow.
Malaysia would also be sending a delegation to Brussels, Belgium next week to discuss the matter with members of the European Parliament (MEPs), said Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) chief executive officer Dr Kalyana Sundram.
The 200-odd page draft report titled “Study on the environmental impact of palm oil consumption and on existing sustainability standards” was produced after the European Parliament’s resolution on April 4 to phase out unsustainable palm oil and other vegetable oils by 2020.
The European Parliament had also endorsed the certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO) plan for Europe-bound vegetable oil exports to ensure that they are produced in an environmentally sustainable way.
“There are lots of claims or citations in [the draft report] which we find are not 100% accurate or not generally relevant to the scenario in Malaysia,” said Kalyana.
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KeTTHA aims to generate RM1.6b in business leads via IGEM 2017

KUALA LUMPUR: The Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) is targeting to generate RM1.6 billion in business leads through its annual and eighth edition of the International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference Malaysia (IGEM 2017).
"As urban populations continue to rise, it is becoming increasingly important to create sustainable living spaces through ecological innovations and practices,” said KeTTHA’s acting deputy minister, Datuk Seri SK Devamany in a statement.
“This year’s theme of Powering Green Cities not only reflects this necessity, but also ties in seamlessly with Malaysia’s TN50 aspiration of creating a greener future whereby cities are powered by renewable energy, people commute via electric and energy efficient vehicles as well as live and work in green buildings.”
“In fact, we expect to attract 25,000 trade visitors from over 20 countries this year, and is aiming to generate RM1.6 billion in business leads.”
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