EuroTalks Webinar with Ambassador-Designate of Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia

Selamat datang and a warm welcome to our new Ambassador-Designate of Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia (European Union in Malaysia). We are honoured to have Ambassador Michalis Rokas as the Guest of Honour for EUROCHAM Malaysia's 3rd EuroTalks Webinar Series: "EU-Malaysia Relations: Challenges and Opportunities".

A big thank you to Ambassador Rokas for sharing his exclusive views and plans to further enhance the bilateral ties between EU-Malaysia, which attracted a strong participation of over 200 audiences earlier today! We look forward to further enhance business opportunities and relations between EU-Malaysia together! #EUMYstrongertogether

Did you miss this insightful session? Refer our graphic image for some key takeaway messages or view a replay at:

We would also like to express our sincere appreciation to all our participants for attending the webinar! Visit our website for more upcoming events and see you again soon!

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  • EuroTalks Webinar with Ambassador-Designate of Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia
  • EuroTalks Webinar with Ambassador-Designate of Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia

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