SNEAK PEEK: Video shooting session for Industry Awareness Campaign

SNEAK PEEK: Time may have been challenging but we are very glad to have scheduled a wonderful video shooting session for our Industry Awareness Campaign with Ms. Crystal Saw Tei Lian, CEO of CRIF Omesti Sdn Bhd.

To promote a seamless cross border trade and finance in the ASEAN region, CRIF Omesti clearly understands the need to bring in European knowledge and expertise, inspiring digital transformation within the region. We are delighted to have CRIF Omesti taking part of this initiative and we appreciate the great insights shared.

Special thanks to Italy Malaysia Business Association - IMBA for nominating and introducing us to this excellent company! Stay tuned to learn more about our industry awareness campaign!

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  • SNEAK PEEK: Video shooting session for Industry Awareness Campaign
  • SNEAK PEEK: Video shooting session for Industry Awareness Campaign

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