Following the recent updates on CMCO in Malaysia, the National Security Council of Malaysia released the updated General SOPs for CMCO.
What’s important to take note?
- Inter-district & inter-state travel are ALLOWED except in EMCO
- Movement to EMCO areas requires approval by Royal Malaysian Police
- No more 2 persons limit per private vehicle; based on vehicle capacity.
- Most of the operation hours for the mentioned businesses in the SOP may be extended to 12.00am (subject to license conditions).
- Restaurants are ALLOWED to operate dine-in (SOCIAL DISTANCING OF 1 METER BETWEEN CUSTOMERS according to table size).
- Day Cares, Montessori and Kindergartens are allowed to operate with approval from relevant Ministries/Agencies
- F2F meetings for official/work at offices, hotels and other institutions are allowed by complying with social distancing, wearing of face masks and only 50% capacity of meeting rooms
- Indoor meetings are ALLOWED according to instructions from JPA and MITI guidelines
- Entertainment, seminars / workshops / conference / exhibitions, mass events, education, tourism, sports and recreation are generally not allowed, unless stated otherwise.
For full details, please refer to:
OFFICIAL Malay version here
UNOFFICIAL English translated version by EUROCHAM Malaysia here