Updated SOP list for areas involved in MCO (PKP) from 19 February - 4th March 2021

Here is the updated SOP list for areas involved in MCO (PKP) from 19 February - 4th March 2021:

- Number of passengers in a private vehicle is dependent on seating capacity of vehicle for purpose of obtaining healthcare, medical services and daily necessities within the same district of residence

- Number of people allowed in a vehicle carrying goods as well as for the industrial economic activity chain is dependent on the commercial vehicle registration licence

- Dining-in is allowed in accordance with the table capacity with physical distancing of 1 meter

- Solemnization ceremony (akad nikah) is ALLOWED in religious department and mosque in accordance with State Religious Authority directives

- Registration of marriages for non-muslims at the National Registration Deaprtment (NRD) is ALLOWED with attendance according to NRD directives

- Non-contract sports and recreational activities carried out individually in neighbourhood (subject to the current effective MCO) without crossing states

- Fitness activities are LIMITED to singles matches whereas doubles are NOT ALLOWED

- Driving institutes and Aviation Training Centers are ALLOWED to operate 

- Fishing activities are ALLOWED to operate during MCO period based on SOP

For list of prohibited activities, please refer to the full version below

For more details information, please refer to translated + original: Link in bio

#SOP #MCO #PKP #staysafe#eurochammy
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