Aidilfiti 2021 SOP for MCO States

Here are the SOPs for Hari Raya Aidilfitri:

-Expected to be celebrated on 13 May 2021

-Takbir Raya in Mosques/Surau, it is allowed in MCO, CMCO and RMCO areas. EMCO areas NOT ALLOWED.

-Takbir from house to house is NOT ALLOWED in all areas. 

-Hari Raya Sunat Prayers are allowed in MCO, CMCO, RMCO areas. EMCO areas NOT ALLOWED.

-Gatherings after Raya Prayers at mosques/suraus are allowed in CMCO and RMCO areas, subjected to state religious authorities. However in MCO and EMCO areas is NOT ALLOWED.

-Graveyard visits is allowed for CMCO and RMCO areas with limit does not exceed 6 people. MCO and EMCO areas NOT ALLOWED.

-Hari Raya Visits for MCO is allowed on 1 SYAWAL ONLY with the presence of guests not exceeding 15 people at any one time according to the size of the house with physical distance.

-Any Hari Raya event/ open house for all areas is NOT ALLOWED.

Read full guidelines (original + translated here):​ 

Infographic credit: BERNAMA

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