[UPDATE] MKN’s Permission for Human Resource/Finance Personnel of Companies in NON-Essential Economic and Service Sector to Return to Work To Process Payroll

The Ministry of Human Resources has informed Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) at its meeting on June 4, 2021 has agreed that Human Resource / Finance personnel from the NON-essential Economic and Service Sectors to be allowed entry to the workplace for payroll processing during the Full Movement Control Order (FMCO) period.

Following are the conditions which must be strictly adhered to:
i. Only applicable to Human Resources/Finance personnel;
iii. Employer to issue an authorisation letter to the employee with full name, IC. No and designation of the personnel. The letter must indicate the date and time of work and carry the employer contact number for ease of verification;
iv. A one-off approval by the PDRM is required together with the authorisation letter from the employer as proof of travel for work for this specific purpose;
v. The employee must carry the authorisation letter along at all times for ease of movement in the event there is a check by enforcement authorities along the way;
vi. Strict action will be taken on any employer misusing this specific permission for the purpose of payroll processing only; and
vii. SOPs must be in place at the workplace and complied with including mandatory check-in with MySejahtera app, temperature check and physical distancing.

Read more here: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6807567622230614016

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