ASEAN-BAC Malaysia Consultation Meeting

EUROCHAM Malaysia CEO Sven Schneider was invited to speak at the ASEAN Business Advisory Council Malaysia (ASEAN-BAC) Consultation Meeting. Also present at the meeting were Tan Sri Dato 'Dr Mohd Munir Bin Abdul Majid, Chairman, ASEAN-BAC Malaysia, Tan Sri Yong Poh Kon, Council Member, ASEAN-BAC Malaysia, Mr Raja Singham, Council Member, ASEAN-BAC Malaysia, Mr Faizal Bin Jalaludin Director (Foreign Investment Promotion), Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA), Mr Aidil Azman Senior Manager, Investor Relations - Europe, InvestKL, His Excellency Michalis Rokas, Ambassador of the European Union to Malaysia, Mr Chris Humphrey Executive Director, EU-ASEAN Business Council (EU-ABC). 

Among the issues discussed were the post-COVID-19 economy and how Malaysia would be able to attract foreign direct investments from Europe. The participants had a vibrant exchange on how to improve the eco-system, optimise policies as well as approach European investors. One of the key issues highlighted was the urgent need to restart the EU-Malaysia Free Trade Agreement negotiations, which have been stalled since 2012.

#ASEANBAC #EUABC #MIDA #FTA #Malaysia #eurochammy

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