BizTalks Webinar: All About Cancer

Join us on Wednesday, March 2, 2022, at 3 PM (+8 GMT) for our BizTalks webinar with Sunway Medical Centre on the topic All About Cancer.

It will be an in-depth discussion on the topic of cancer. Based on 2021 WHO statistics, an estimated 400 000 children and adolescents of 0-19 years old develop cancer. In high-income countries, where comprehensive services are generally accessible, more than 80% of children with cancer are cured. In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), less than 30% are cured. Lack of diagnosis, misdiagnosis or delayed diagnosis, abandonment of treatment are the common causes that can impact the treatment outcome of childhood cancers.

The webinar aims to provide a general understanding of childhood cancers and a glimpse of adult cancers to better equip parents and the larger community in combating cancers. Cancer is not the end, with the right diagnosis, customized treatment and proper follow-up care, cancers can be beaten.

Join us for an insightful and beneficial session on the topic All About Cancer with the well-versed speakers:

i. Dr Eni Juraida Binti Abdul Rahman, Paediatric Haematology & Oncology, Paediatrics; and

ii. Dr Hon Siong Leng, Haematology.

Save your virtual seats today for this informative and useful webinar session – register in advance here:

#Sunway #Medical #Centre #SMC #cancer #children #adolescents #LMICs #diagnosis #misdiagnosis #treatment #EUMYstrongertogether #eurochammy

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