We are pleased to share that EUROCHAM Malaysia is in collaboration as a co-organiser with EuroCham Singapore for the second edition of the EV Webinar - EV Adoption – Best Way Forward in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam. This webinar is happening on Wednesday, 9 March 2022 at 4 PM.

This webinar will expose the views of experts who have the knowledge to impart about the benefits of EV adoptions even given its flaws. Ultimately, it will be the leading energy and automobile companies that will have to guide their countries into the new era of green vehicles. It will also focus on how the respective companies can increase their involvement and fast track the adoption of EVs.

Representing EUROCHAM Malaysia during this webinar session will be Mr David Lantz, Sustainability Manager at Scania Southeast Malaysia. He will be one of the panellist during the panel discussion.  Mr. David is in charge of driving the shift towards a more sustainable transport system by preparing Scania Southeast Asia for renewable fuelled and Battery Electric Vehicles and developing partnerships with customers, customers comers, governments, infrastructure and fuel suppliers.

As well as Mr Pierre Brochet, Head of the Automotive Sector Committee at EUROCHAM Malaysia. He will be delivering the opening remarks of the webinar session. With over 25 years as a senior lawyer with private practice experience in the City of London, Wall Street and Emerging Markets. He heads the automotive industry advocacy committee of EUROCHAM Malaysia since 2019.

The webinar will be in the format of a panel discussion and each panellist will have the opportunity to deliver a presentation before the panel discussion. The panellists will include:

- Singapore: Mr Abhijit Sengupta, Director and Head of Business, India, SAARC Region & Southeast Asia HERE Technologies

- Malaysia: Mr David Lantz, Sustainability Manager at Scania Southeast Malaysia

- Vietnam: Mr Laurent Genet, EuroCham Mobility Sector Committee Chairman

This session will be moderated by Dr Cecilia Tortajada, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (National University of Singapore) and Professor in Practice on Environmental Innovation, University of Glasgow.

For more information and to register, please visit – https://eurocham.org.sg/event/webinar-ev-adoption-best-way-forward-in-singapore-malaysia-indonesia-philippines-and-vietnam/

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