Automotive Sector Committee Meeting

EUROCHAM Malaysia conducted a very engaging and interesting hybrid committee meeting with the Automotive Sector Committee yesterday. In attendance were Mr. Sven Schneider, CEO of EUROCHAM Malaysia, Mr. Pierre Brochet, Head of Automotive Sector Committee, Idros Puteh, Deputy Head, and the EUROCHAM Malaysia team, alongside other committee members that include:

- Mr Ariff Zainall Abidin, Robert Bosch Sdn Bhd;

- Mr Amos Wong, Malaysian Danish Business Council;

- Mr Mohd Aslam and Mr Zhilal, BMW Malaysia.

During our committee meeting, we identified and discussed the updates of the Automotive topics from/with the members of the committee as well as the discussion on future Automotive related events and engagements.

Thank you to all committee members for attending this meeting and making it an insightful and productive one indeed. We look forward to the upcoming Automotive sector committee meetings, as we work together to strengthen and enhance the community.

#Automotive #sector #committee #EUMYstrongertogether #eurochammy

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