Wines and Spirits Sector Committee Meeting

EUROCHAM Malaysia conducted an enlightening and productive hybrid meeting with the Wines and Spirits sector committee last week. In attendance were EUROCHAM Malaysia CEO, Mr. Sven Schneider, Head of Committee, Mr. Thomas Bouleuc, Managing Director for Moët Hennessy Diageo, and the EUROCHAM Malaysia team, alongside the other committee members, that include:

- Datuk Merlyn Kasmir, Moët Hennessy Diageo;

- Mr. Benny Tsang, Managing Director of Pernod Ricard Malaysia;

- Mr. Siddhartha Wazirchand, Director, Commercial at Bacardi Limited; and

- Ms. Jesselynn Lai, representative of the Asia Pacific International Spirits and Wines Alliance (APISWA).

During our committee meeting, we identified and discussed the updates on the Wines and Spirits topics from the members of the committee as well as the discussion on future Wines and Spirits related campaigns and projects and also updates on the APISWA Regional Drink Driving Public Awareness Campaign.

Thank you to all the committee members for attending this meeting and making it a fruitful one indeed. We look forward to the upcoming Wines and Spirits sector committee meetings, as we work together to strengthen and enhance the community.


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