EUROCHAM Malaysia - RegTalk With Futurise (EPR - The Foundation Of A Circular Economy)


EUROCHAM Malaysia will be collaborating with our corporate partner Futurise on the upcoming RegTalk on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): The Foundation of a Circular Economy.

As nations become wealthier, they tend to consume increasing amounts of materials. In the absence of any further policy interventions, projections by the OECD suggest that global materials use could almost double by 2060, thereby also generating increasing amounts of waste, which need to be disposed of responsibly (OECD 2018).

The EU has undergone significant institutional and legislative changes but EPR has remained at the center of its waste management policies. European countries have achieved tremendous success from the EPR scheme over the years and its positive impact on the environmental front has trickled unto Asian countries to pursue this similar policy. Malaysia has recognised the need to create an EPR scheme to demand greater responsibility from producers to improve packaging designs with less material and higher recyclability and to support waste collection and separation.

Join this Regtalk as we are inviting experts to share their thoughts and insights on how Europe has achieved thus far on the EPR front. As well as to shed a light on the current weakness, challenges of the EPR, and the opportunities that Malaysia can benefit from the potential adoption.

Date: Thursday, 21 July 2022

Time: 3 PM (+8 GMT)

Venue: Pavilion Hotel Kuala Lumpur

Register now for this intriguing and exhilarating upcoming event (physical) here and we will see you there! –

#Futurise #EPR #ExtendedProducerResponsibility #circulareconomy #OECD #EU #Europe #wastemanagement #EUMYstrongertogether #eurochammy

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