Technical Meeting with Construction Industry Development Board (CIBD)

EUROCHAM Malaysia delegation led by Mr. Oliver Roche and Mr. Sven Schneider alongside the Construction Sector Committee members, Mr. Sayed Daher, Mr. Vincent Kok, and Ms. Mr. Shoko Okui has received a cordial welcome from the CEO of the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB), Datuk Ir. Ahmad 'Asri Abdul Hamid and team for the technical meeting between Construction Sector Committee and CIDB.

This meeting objectively provided exposure and understanding of current initiatives in the industry, to develop professional growth opportunities and strengthen the cooperation between EUROCHAM Malaysia and CIDB and. Aligned with the objectives, this meeting also discussed the pertinent issue in the industry such as talent challenges, Industrialised Building System (IBS), regulations, sustainability and digitalisation in construction.

EUROCHAM Malaysia aims to collaborate and work closely with CIDB to resolve the issues discussed and industry development.

We look forward to having more similar meetings to strengthen and bolster alliances for a prosperous EU-Malaysia partnership

#CIDB #construction #sectorcommittee #IBS #regulations #sustainability #digitalisation #industry #development #EUMYstrongertogether #eurochammy

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