UNHCR - World Refugee Day

EUROCHAM Malaysia CEO, Mr Sven Schneider was invited as a panelist for the ASB-UNHCR Research Workshop on Refugee Studies and Forced Displacement 2023. The event was organised by UNHCR together with the Asia School of Business.

More than 100 million people were forcibly displaced in 2022, which is equivalent to 1 in every 78 private sector to meaningfully engage refugees in a win-win proposition. The topic of the panel discussion is Win-Win: Making a Business Case for Supporting Refugees.

In refence to World Refugee Day, each year on 20 June, the world celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. The 2023 theme of World Refugee Day is “hope away from home.” Including refugees in the communities where they have found safety after fleeing conflict and persecution is the most effective way to support them in restarting their lives and enable them to contribute to the countries hosting them.

What can you do?

Support access to basic rights of refugees by donating to UNHCR Malaysia here - https://lnkd.in/gq9w-_yN

Join our global art contest, which will launch on 20 June, and get a chance to design shirts that will raise funds for refugees. https://lnkd.in/guRyMr9V

Join UNHCR Malaysia on social media to amplify the cause on World Refugee Day.

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