EUROCHAM Malaysia at the Seminar on Combatting Forced Labour in Malaysia "Together We Can"

We were honoured to participate in the Seminar on Combatting Forced Labour in Malaysia, a collaborative effort by the Department of Labour Peninsular Malaysia, MOHR, and the National Strategic Office Council for Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants (NSO MAPO), MOHA, held at Putrajaya.

The seminar was officially opened by YB Tuan V. Sivakumar, Minister of Human Resources, alongside the Launching Ceremony of "Garis Panduan Bagi Mencegah dan Membasmi Amalan Buruh Paksa Di Tempat Pekerjaan."

Throughout the event, we gained valuable insights from various sessions featuring distinguished speakers:

🔹 Session 1: "Government’s Initiatives in Combatting Forced Labour" by Mr. S. Sivakumar, Under Secretary, Ministry of Human Resources.

🔹 Session 2: "Businesses Responsibility in Addressing Forced Labour" by Datuk Shamsuddin Bardan, Executive Director, Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF).

🔹 Session 3: "Empowering Worker is Crucial to End Forced Labour" by Mr. Navamukundan, KMN, National Executive Secretary, National Union Plantation of Worker (NUPW).

🔹 Session 4: "Responsible Recruitment Practice" by Mr. Chua Khai Yau, Senior Programme Manager, Responsible Business Alliance (RBA).

🔹 Session 5: "Government’s Initiatives in Combatting Forced Labour" by Ms. Syuhaida Abdul Wahab Zen, Under Secretary, National Strategic Office Council for Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Smuggling of Migrants (MAPO).

🔹 Session 6: "CSO’s Support System in Eradicating Forced Labour" by Ms. Prema Arasan, Program Manager, Tenaganita.

🔹 Session 7: "Experiencing Withhold Release Order (WRO) and Efforts Towards Revocation" by Ms. Renaka Ramachandra, Chief Financial Officer, Sime Darby Plantations Berhad.

Together, we're committed to combatting forced labor and creating a better, fairer working environment for all.


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