Meeting with MDEC

EUROCHAM Malaysia Visit to MDEC: Strengthening Collaborations for a Digital Future

EUROCHAM Malaysia had an enriching meeting with the Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation (MDEC) today. We explored potential collaborations in key areas such as:

  • Digital Transformation: Enhancing the digital capabilities of businesses in Malaysia to boost efficiency and competitiveness.
  • Artificial Intelligence: Implementing ethical AI practices guided by the EU AI Act to foster innovation and optimize operations across various sectors.
  • Data Governance: Adopting best practices in data breach protection and robust data management to ensure security, compliance, and effective data use.

Together, we aim to drive innovation and elevate Malaysia’s position as a leading digital economy in the region. We thank the MDEC team for their insights and partnership and we look forward to the exciting initiatives we will create together!

Attendance of the meeting:

  • Raymond Siva, Head of Digital Investment Office
  • Zulhusmie Aripin, Lead, Digital Investment (Artificial Intelligence & IoT)
  • Anfaal Dhiyana, Lead, Domestic Digital Investment
  • Aizad Hashm, Manager, Foreign Digital Investment
  • Stephanie Wong, Senior Manager, Partner Relations, Investment Relations Department

#MDEC #digitaleconomy #digitaltransformation #AI #EUMYstrongertogether #eurochammy

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