The Economic Race in Southeast Asia: Is Europe Falling Behind?

EUROCHAM Malaysia had the opportunity to attend a thought-provoking event organised by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Malaysia Office, in collaboration with the Malaysian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MGCC). The event, titled 'The Economic Race in Southeast Asia: Is Europe Falling Behind?' featured an enlightening publication launch by Professor Dr. Edmund Terence Gomez and Dr. Denis Suarsana.

Their paper delves into the challenges Europe faces in establishing competitive trade footholds in Southeast Asia, amidst strong competition from the US, Japan, and especially China. The discussions were both engaging and insightful, sparking essential conversations around the strategic economic adjustments needed for EU businesses to thrive in this dynamic region.

These insights strengthen EUROCHAM Malaysia's mission to advocate for the EU business community and align with emerging economic strategies that can support a sustainable future in Southeast Asia.

#MGCC #KonradAdenauerStiftung #EUbusiness #SEA #GlobalTrade #EUMYstrongertogether #eurochammy

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