Annual AGM of EUMCCI

EUMCCI held its 24th Annual General Meeting on 13th June 2017 at the Sheraton Imperial KL. The meeting started with the Chairperson Tan Sri Dr. Rebecca Sta Maria welcoming all members and inviting the CEO Mr. Roberto Benetello to provide an overview of the Chamber's Financial Statement and activities in 2017.

Highlights of the events in the In Conversation with Series included collaboration with:

  • Bank Negara officials on the Implications of Foreign Exchange Administration Rules.
  • Ministry of Finance on Malaysia as an attractive destination for Foreign Direct Investment.
  • i2M on why Malaysia is critical for Singapore’s continued success.
  • MAC on business integrity.
  • MITI on leveraging FTA to boost economic opportunities.

The AGM also saw the re-appointment of Messrs Baker Tilly Monteiro Heng as the company auditors.
