BizTalks #20: The Future of Electric Vehicles in Malaysia

The Webinar, an initiative of the Eurocham Malaysia’s Automotive Committee, will discuss the current state of EV motoring in Malaysia and its anticipated future prospects...

The Webinar, an initiative of the Eurocham Malaysia's Automotive Committee, will discuss the current state of EV motoring in Malaysia and its anticipated future prospects.

To discuss the current state of EV motoring in Malaysia and its anticipated future prospects; the webinar would cover inter alia the current situation and future of EV private light vehicles, EV buses, charging network, tax and other incentives, etc.

Join us to gain a wealth of knowledge from leading industry players on the future of Electric Vehicles in Malaysia.

Moderated by:

  • Pierre Brochet (Head of EUROCHAM Malaysia Automotive Committee)

Guest speakers:

  • Datuk Shahrol Halmi (President of MYEVOC, Malaysian EV Owners Club)
  • Mr. Lee Yuen How (CEO, JomCharge / EV CONNECTION)
  • Mr. David Lantz (SCANIA Malaysia)
  • Mr. John Steed (LINDEN SOLUTIONS, consultancy to EV charging systems companies)
  • Dato’ Madani Sahari (CEO, Malaysia Automotive, Robotics and IoT Institute - MARii)



  • Date: 22nd October 2020 (Thursday)
  • Time: 3:00pm (GMT+8)
  • Digital platform: ZOOM

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