Intangible Asset Finance & Valuation Business Forum

EUROCHAM Malaysia co-organized an event together with their fellow member Adastra IP on the Intangible Assets & IP Finance & Valuation Business Forum that happened last July! Participants expanded their knowledge on intangible assets, financing options, and IP valuation. They discovered how businesses leverage these assets for growth and innovation.

Participants gained insights from industry leaders, who highlighted the value of intellectual property and its potential for businesses, and shared their fundraising journey and lessons learned in utilizing intangible assets for growth.

They joined the event to delve into the fascinating world of intangible assets and IP finance, where they expanded their understanding and discovered new possibilities for their businesses. The exploration of traditional financing methods and alternative options available for funding intellectual property initiatives, including innovative approaches to raising capital and securing investments, was a key focus.

The event took place on Thursday, 27th July 2023, from 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM at Bungalow37, Bangsar (Physical on-site) or through the Virtual Zoom Platform (Hybrid Event).
